
Monday, September 2, 2013

Northern Light will return too!

As much as I enjoy my Canada-focused comics info gathering, whenever I go away for a few days, I set it aside entirely.  But when I know I'm about to return home, I can't wait to get at it again.  I'm like a kid staring at the clock during the early hours of Christmas morning, waiting to see what surprises are in store.  There's always something interesting to come back to.

Earlier this week, I was pleased to learn that the Nelvana stories from the 40's would be reprinted.  This weekend, the surprising news was provided by James Waley in a comment to a brief post from last year about the Northern Light character.  You can read the complete comment here but I want to focus on the part below specifically (for now, at least). might be interested in the fact that Jim Craig and I will be doing a short, 6 page, full-colour story on the NL in this upcoming fundraiser anthology, ONE TRIBE, I'm putting together ... ... check it out and give it a LIKE, okay?...
Okay. :-)

Though this is the first I hear of it, the anthology has been in the planning stages for some time.  Click the image below to view a press release which includes larger images and a more detailed list of contributors.  Judging from that list, this anthology will not be lacking imagination, talent or variety. 

Please note that the crowdfunding dates are no longer accurate.  Join the Facebook group to stay up to date on the project's progress.


  1. FYI: The Facebook URL on that poster routes to some other guy's personal profile. Looks as if the correct URL is

  2. Thanx Evan for giving us a LIKE on the ONE TRIBE FB page and for noting that correction in our URL ... ... the flyer posted on this page is an earlier version with an incorrect URL but I'm grateful to you for posting the updated info and for THEY STAND ON GUARD! for posting information about the OTA and the NORTHERN LIGHT story that Jim and I will be doing in that publication called TEARS IN THE WILDERNESS ... BTW, to the TSOG! webmeister, that offer of a copy of POWER COMICS #4 still stands if you're interested ... drop me line, okay?
