
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection

On Wednesday, I mentioned having recently backed two Kickstarter campaigns, the first of which was The Future Prophecy. The second is Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection.

Produced by AH Comics Inc. (Titan: An Alternate History, Delta, Hobson's Gate, Jewish Comix Anthology) and edited by Hope Nicholson (Brok Windsor, Lost Heroes, Nelvana of the Northern Lights), MOONSHOT brings together dozens of creators from across North America to contribute comic book stories showcasing the rich heritage and identity of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis storytelling.

AH is a publisher based out of Toronto.

Now the stories may not be based around superheroes (and not every contributor is Canadian) but many of the creators involved are arguably best-known for their work with that type of characters including Claude St-Aubin and George Freeman (Captain Canuck), Mark Shainblum (Northguard) and David Cutler (The Northern Guard and Heroes of the North). It'll be interesting to see what they've come up with.

The list of writers and/or artists on the Kickstarter page is already serving as an introduction to new (to me, at least) talent so I'll be spending some time enjoying their work while I wait to add this book to my Closet of Canadian Coolness.  ;-)


  1. Great blog! Love the content and your enthusiasm. I learn about lots of great Canadian projects here.

    1. Kind of you to say, since you know I'm a fan of your work. :-)

      I make it a point to check in on your blog every few days as well. I look forward to being able to add Gyrfalcon to the list of books at right. You can assume that the print version will find its way into my little shrine in no time.
